B1 Syllabus

Topic 1

Exceptional Trip- Talk about likes and dislikes, Conversation with travel agency, hotel descriptions.

GRAMMAR: Verb lassen und  infinitive mit zu

Topic 2

Everything new- Understand about new technology and devices, talk about buying, reason and counter reason. Talk about advertisements. 

GRAMMAR: Genitiv präpositionen

Topic 3

Conversation about hobbies, friends, family, profession, weekdays, months, dates, time.

GRAMMAR: Nominative and Accusative Cases

Topic 4

Working world- Conversation at work, expressing apologize, unreal telephonic conversation response to apologizes.

GRAMMAR: konjunktiv ii, modalverben

Topic 5

Environmental friendly- Talk about environmental protection, talk about weather, story writing.

GRAMMAR: komparativ  and superlativ vor substantive, (N- declination)

Topic 6

Looking forward- Talk about plan and resolution, understanding newspaper text, about your own city, understand about songs.

GRAMMAR: Relativ satz , future tense- I

Topic 7

Relationship boxes- understand forum posts, time sequences, talk about conflicts, introducing celebrities, talk about fables. 

GRAMMAR: Plusquamperfekt

Topic 8

From Head to Toe- Speak about offerings, accepting , refusing helps, warn someone, talk about music, feelings and school

GRAMMAR: Reflexive pronomens im  akkusativ and dative and ( Zweiteilige konnektoren)

Topic 9

Art Tricks- Describing people and things in detail, tal about plays, understanding true works of art, in the exhibition, and conversation with the director.

GRAMMAR: Adjektive deklination ohne artikel

Topic 10

Together- Learn about social commitments, talk about projects, politics, Europe social valves

GRAMMAR: Passiv Prasens

Topic 11

About life in cities- Talk about cities, towns, city attractions, traffic, opinions about city rankings , special culture of koln (cologne).

GRAMMAR: Artikel worter als pronomen, relative pronomen was und wo 

Topic 12

Money makes the world go around- conversations in the bank, talk about bank, money, globalization, and talk about conscience.

GRAMMAR: Partizip I Und Partizip 2

Duration :- 12 weeks
Difficulty Level :- Intermediate User
Upcoming Batch:-Starting Soon….

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